
A Box of Candy?

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A few days ago our mail carrier delivered a well padded envelope which Mr M retrieved. When he brought it in he shook it slightly and asked, “Did you get a box of candy?”. Looking at the Chinese lettering on the outside of the envelope I laughed and said, “Well, sort of…”. Not really candy, but for me, almost as exciting: it was a set of 44 sewing machine presser feet.

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Free To A Good Home

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In our little community, usable but unwanted items are put out next to the street. Invariably, someone will come along and claim them. We bought a smaller wheelbarrow because this behemoth was too much for me to handle. Mr. M made the cute little sign and put it next to the street. When we got up the next  day, sure enough, it was gone. I hope it has a good new home!