A Mighty Puzzle

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Its like a giant puzzle
Its like a giant puzzle

What do a laptop, a new printer, nearly a whole roll of clear tape, a pair of paper-cutting scissors and a lot of printer paper have in common? A new sewing pattern! Today I spent some time figuring out how to put a digital sewing pattern together. It is an interesting process:

1. Buy the pattern online

2. Download the pattern to my laptop. Now this particular pattern came in not one, not two, but three separate downloads!

3. Set up our brand new wireless printer.Figure out how to print in draft, super cheapest mode.

4. Print out what seemed like a hundred separate pages.

5. Spread the pages out on a king sized bed (no they didn’t all fit!) while trying to keep them in order.

6. Look at the laptop to see which pieces I need for my project. Try to figure out from a pdf file which pages have the correct pieces.

7. Tape the necessary pages together.

8. Cut the sections for my project out.

9 Carefully gather up all of the unused pages in order so I can save them for the next time.

After all of that here is the result:

The assembled piece
The assembled piece

Of course, I will make a few adjustments since most patterns need that. I am going to try making myself my first tankini for my water aerobics class. Wish me luck!

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